Program Pendampingan dalam rangka Menumbuhkan Minat Belajar Siswa di Sekolah Dasar Islam Kreatif Muhammadiah Pasca Gempa di Cianjur
Learning interest, Earthquake, Elementary school, StudentAbstract
Learning interest for elementary school students is an interest in the learning process both in terms of activeness and attendance in class.The purpose of this study is to find out how the description of students' interest in learning after the pandemic that occurred in Cianjur.This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative method in one of the elementary schools in Cianjur sub-district, Cianjur district.The research subjects were 3 students in grades IV, V and VI who experienced post-earthquake trauma and 1 counseling teacher.The results showed that students who experienced a lack of enthusiasm for learning after the earthquake experienced a decrease in interest in learning as seen from low learning motivation, often sleepy and sleeping in class while studying due to not being able to sleep peacefully at home, and traumatized by aftershocks during the learning process
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