Resiliensi Siswa Sekolah Dasar Pada Pembelajaran Pasca Gempa Bumi Melalui Pembiasaan Ice Breaking


  • Firna Soraya Khaerunnisa Sekolah dasar negeri dikecamatan Nagrak Kab. Cianjur
  • Alma Ashfahari Hanum IKIP Siliwangi, Bandung,
  • Fadillah Julia Andini IKIP Siliwangi
  • Yanda Rahma Agustina IKIP Siliwangi


Resilience, Learning, Ice Breaking, Earthquake


The earthquake in Nagrak Sub-district, Cianjur Regency has caused damage to an elementary school at level two. As a result, two classes (grades 5a and 5b) had to be moved outside the classroom using tents, hampering the teaching and learning process. This had an impact on students' interest in learning, motivation to learn, and social skills. To overcome this problem, appropriate resilience is needed to restore students' interest in learning, learning motivation, and skills in the implementation of learning at school. This service activity uses a qualitative approach method with research objects as many as 60 students. Through resilience with the “Ice Breaking” approach before learning begins, it helps students increase learning motivation so that the learning outcomes achieved during the learning process are in accordance with the learning objectives prepared by the teacher


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How to Cite

Khaerunnisa, F. S., Hanum, A. A., Andini, F. J., & Agustina, Y. R. (2023). Resiliensi Siswa Sekolah Dasar Pada Pembelajaran Pasca Gempa Bumi Melalui Pembiasaan Ice Breaking. Dharma Publika: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(2), 74–81. Retrieved from