Optimalisasi Membuka Pintu Potensi Siswa SMK Al Khoeriyah dengan Asesmen Psikologis yang Efektifs
Optimalisasi, Potensi Siswa, SMK, Asesmen PsikologisAbstract
The purpose of Community Service (PKM) is to increase understanding and awareness of the importance of psychological assessment in supporting student development, including improving the skills and abilities of teachers and educators in conducting psychological assessments effectively. The scope of this research includes various activities aimed at improving the quality of education and learning at SMK Al Khoeriyah through an effective psychological assessment approach. Methods The community service method was conducted through socialization to 60 students of class XII of SMK Al Khoeriyah Tasikmalaya City, focusing on the introduction of self-potential in determining students' career direction. Material delivery and assessment sessions were conducted to introduce students' self-potential and identify their interests and career goals. The method of activity in this community service is in the form of socialization that focuses on the introduction of self-potential in determining students' career direction. Based on the results of the personality type assessment from Holland, it was found that the most dominant personality types of students in SMK Al Khoeriyah were Realistic (R), Conventional (C), Investigative (I). these three types are very relevant to the majors in SMK Al Khoeriyah. The contribution of this service is that it can optimize students' potential through psychological assessment in order to be more effective in developing students' careers. Thus, it is expected to create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students of SMK Al Khoeriyah to achieve their best potential.
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