Membangun Relationship para Remaja di Era Digital pada Siswa Kelas VIII MTS At Taqwa 03 Babelan Bekasi


  • Yomima Viena Yuliana Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
  • Nurwahyuni Nasir Universitas Bhayangkara, Bekasi
  • Fathana Gina Universitas Bhayangkara, Bekasi
  • Sandra Adetya Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Kota Bekasi


Hubungan pada, remaja, mencaku, interaksi


Adolescence is a transitional period between childhood and adulthood, typically encompassing the age range of 12 to 19 years. During this phase, individuals undergo significant physical, emotional, and social changes as a result of biological, psychological, and social development. Building relationships among adolescents in the digital era is a relevant topic, considering the advancements in technology that influence how adolescents communicate and interact.The method used in this research includes seminars and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) conducted with grade VIII teachers at MTS At Taqwa Babelan, Bekasi. The results of the FGD concluded that adolescent delinquency is perceived to stem from the home environment, particularly issues between parents and adolescents. These issues often arise due to differences in perspectives, needs, ineffective communication, an imbalance between control and freedom, the influence of technology and social media, emotional changes, adolescent identity formation, and the imbalance of parental roles. Relationships during adolescence in the digital era can serve as a support system in adolescents' developmental processes. Relationships can be established in various forms, including friendships, family connections, and romantic relationships. Poor relationships can lead to toxic relationships, which negatively affect adolescents' daily behavior. This, in turn, may impact their developmental process, such as fostering dependency on social media. When social media is not used wisely, it can lead adolescents toward negative behaviors.


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How to Cite

Yuliana, Y. V., Nasir, N., Gina, F., & Adetya, S. (2024). Membangun Relationship para Remaja di Era Digital pada Siswa Kelas VIII MTS At Taqwa 03 Babelan Bekasi. Dharma Publika: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(2), 75–79. Retrieved from