Sosialisasi dan Pendampingan terhadap Generasi Sandwich untuk Meningkatkan Self Care Management pada Wanita Bekerja di Alahan Panjang, Sumatera Barat
The Sandwich Generation; Self Care Management; Working WomenAbstract
Community service is one of the implementations of the Tridharma of Higher Education. This activity can be a vehicle for the application of science and research results in an effort to contribute to solving problems in society. This training aims to help working women who are included in the sandwich generation to be able to improve Self Care Management. In this training, the methods used are socialization and pedagogy to provide an explanation of role conflict in achieving social functioning in the sandwich generation by working women", followed by sharing sessions related to self care management. The output target of this outreach and assistance is that working women have a program related to Self Care Management to minimize the occurrence of mental illness. From this activity it is hoped that women working in the sandwich generation in Alahan Panjang, West Sumatra can develop their potential in a more positive direction. As well as being able to equip themselves with knowledge related to sandwich generation and self care management.
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