Gambaran Resiliensi Akademik pada Mahasiswa yang Mengikuti Organisasi


  • Annisa Pratami Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta
  • Puti Archianti Widiasih Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta


Academic resilience, Student Organization, Role of University, Support


Students who are able to overcome, control, face challenges and bounce back in the face of challenges and difficulties during the learning process. This research was conducted to find out academic resilience from the perspective of students who participate in organizations. This research uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods. Data collection techniques through in-depth interviews with three informants. The data analysis used is content analysis with the COCAT technique (Coding, Categories, Themes). The results of the study found stress triggers for students who participated in organizations, things in achieving academic resilience, physical activity and maintaining health, the support of surrounding people and the role of the University. Thus, students understand themselves well to survive in difficult circumstances even with strategies to survive so that they can minimize the obstacles that are being passed with the help of support from within themselves and those around them.


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