Gambaran Profil Pelaku dan Korban Bullying di SMPN X Kota Bekasi


  • Maria Jireh Aurora Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta, Jakarta
  • Hema Dayita Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta, Jakarta


School, Bullying, Profile, Perpetrator, Victim


Schools as formal educational institutions have the responsibility of shaping the character of quality students and also being a friendly home for students in studying. However, there are still many students who experience difficulties in achieving optimal development and there are acts of brawl and violence committed between students. This phenomenon has tarnished the image of education, which has been believed by the community as a place where the humanization process takes place, and has raised doubts about school policies in dealing with cases of violence. The rise of uncontrolled violent behavior today is one form of aggressive behavior or better known as bullying. Data from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) until August 2023 recorded 810 cases of child abuse in schools and social environments. This data tends to increase every month, so it needs to get mutual attention to reduce the number of bullying, especially in the educational environment. Therefore, it is important for schools to have a picture of students who have a tendency to become victims or perpetrators of bullying so that they can determine the right intervention to realize "Zero Bullying". Based on data from 111 respondents using a descriptive quantitative approach, it was found that SMPN X students have a low percentage of becoming victims or perpetrators of bullying. Only 7.2% of students have the potential to become perpetrators of bullying and 4.5% of students have the potential to become victims of bullying.


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