Pengaruh Penggunaan Gadget pada Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar


  • Tika Nur Islah Holifah Universitas YPIB Majalengka
  • Zalzabilla Karina Indriani , Universitas YPIB Majalengka
  • Novianti Putri Universitas YPIB Majalengka
  • Metasya Nurlatifah Universitas YPIB Majalengka
  • Andi Rezky Dwi Amelia Darmika Universitas YPIB Majalengka
  • Ratus Ismawati Universitas YPIB Majalengka
  • Pipih Muhopilah Universitas YPIB Majalengka


Influence of Gadgets, Early childhood, Primary school children


In the era of globalization, the rapid development of science and technology, especially communication science (IPTEK), has brought major changes, including the use of gadgets by elementary school students. gadget is a term of English origin that refers to a small electronic device with a special function and the purpose of downloading the latest information with various technologies and the latest features to make human life more practical. The aim of this research is to determine the factors that influence the use of gadgets in elementary school students and their impact on their development. The methodology used in this research is based on a systematic review using a meta-ethnographic approach examining 14 articles published between 2019 and 2024. The results of the analysis show that the use of gadgets in elementary school children influences various aspects of development. Covers personality, psychology, emotions, and morality. Children who frequently use devices tend to have individualistic behavior, dependency, and poor social interaction skills. Apart from that, the use of gadgets also influences children's emotional and moral development, for example through the emergence of oppositional behavior, anger, imitation of negative behavior, and so on. The main factor that influences gadget use is the child's internal factors. Family parenting patterns, environmental influences, and social media. Technological developments bring many conveniences in the era of globalization. If used correctly, technology can support learning, make students' understanding of learning more effective, help children organize their learning strategies, and improve children's right brain skills


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