Fenomena Cyber Bullying pada Remaja dan Upaya Pencegahannya


  • Dania Salsabilah Azzahra Universitas Bhayangkara, Bekasi
  • Yomima Viena Universitas Bhayangkara, Bekasi


Social Media, Delinquency, Cyberbullying


This article  discusses the phenomenon of cyberbullying among teenagers and efforts to prevent it. Cyberbullying is a form of intimidation conducted through digital media, including the spread of false news, inappropriate photos or videos, harsh messages that harm the victim. This phenomenon has become increasingly prevalent with the advancement of technology and the widespread use of social media among teenagers. Teenagers often fall into cyberbullying due to egocentrism, where they tend to underestimate the impact of their action on others. Additionally, the lack of supervision from parents and unsupportive social environtmen further exacerbates this situation. The impact of cyberbullying is very serious, including psychological issues such as decreased self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as physical problems such a prolonged stress and headaches. To address this issues, collaborative efforts between the government, families, and educational institutions are needed. Education about the dangers of cyberbullying and awareness campaigns in the community are also important. Guidance and reinforcement of moral values from an early age can help teenagers understand the negative impact of their behavior and reduce the incidence of cyberbullying.


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