WELCOME, the journal editorial team appreciates your visit to the School Counseling (SCJ). For more information about this journal, please read the journal information.

Journal Information:

 Journal title  : School Counseling Journal
 Initials  : SCJ
 Abbreviation  : 
 Publication Frequency  : 2 issues per year (May and November)
 DOI  : prefix 
 ISSN  : 
 Acreditation  :
 Subject Area  : Guidance and CounselingShool CounselorCounseling
  Manajement Style  : Open Access Journals
 Indexing  : GARUDA,
 Citation Analysis  : GARUDA, 
 Editor in Chief  : Prio Utomo, M.Pd
  Publisher  : Yayasan Obor Inspirasi Indonesia (YOII)

School Counseling Journal (SCJ) is an interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high quality oriented research result on guidance and counseling services in schools. The journal aims to publish scientific articles relevant to guidance and counseling issues at the primary, secondary and higher education levels. The journal aims to publish scientific articles that are relevant to the issues of guidance and counseling at the primary and secondary school levels. All scientific articles published in this journal examine and discuss the field of guidance and counseling research through various approaches both theoretically, empirically and experimentally. Journal articles published in this journal can be used as a source of knowledge and reference for all parties (students, observers, academics) in the field of guidance and counseling.

The journal editorial team invites researchers/authors to submitted and publish the original and novelty research based article to the SCJ. All submitted manuscripts will be processed and selected by the journal editorial team and reviewed by the reviewer team through a double-blind review process to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. Before submitting the manuscript, please read the Focus and Scope, and Author Guidelines journal's.

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School Counseling (SCJ) Indexed by:


Journal Editorial Office:

Address: Buana Cicalengka Raya Blok G2-10 Desa Narawita Kecamatan Cicalengka. Kab. Bandung, 40395, Indonesia. 

Contact: +62823-2323-8688; +62858-6298-3305. Email: yayasan@yoii.ac.idprio.um1990@gmail.com

Publisher: Yayasan Obor Inspirasi Indonesia (YOII)

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