Mengkaji Efikasi Diri dan Kecemasan Menghadapi Dunia Kerja pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir
Anxiety in Facing the World of Work, Self-Efficacy, StudentAbstract
The world of work is something new for students. One of the serious challenges faced by final year students when entering the world of work is the very large number of unemployed and always increasing from time to time. Students must prepare themselves for the world of work where this causes students to feel worried and anxious when facing the world of work. The effort to overcome anxiety in facing the world of work is by having good self-efficacy. In this study there are two variables with anxiety facing the world of work as the dependent variable and self-efficacy as the independent variable. This research aims to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and anxiety in facing the world of work in final year students. The sample in this research consisted of 135 subjects and used quantitative research methods with purposive sampling techniques. The measuring instruments used in this research are the anxiety scale for facing the world of work and the self-efficacy scale. The results of this research show a correlation coefficient value of -0.719 at a significance level of 0.000 which shows that p>0.05 so it can be interpreted that there is a negative relationship between self-efficacy and anxiety in facing the world of work in final year students.
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