The Effect of Social Support on Adolescent Self-esteem


  • Rifki Pradinavika Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi Cimahi
  • Ivo Baiduri Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi Cimahi


Self esteem, social support, adolescence


This research is important because in adolescence today their desire to socialize is very high. This sense of peer attachment if not fulfilled by the adolescent environment causes a decrease in adolescent self-esteem which has an impact on the difficulty of adolescents displaying their potential. This aspect of self-esteem development will develop well if he gets enough social support. This is the background of the researcher to see if there is an influence between social supports on adolescent self-esteem. The method used in this study is a correlational quantitative method, with 40 subjects from SMAN 1 Cimahi. This study found that there is indeed a relationship related to social support and self-esteem of 0.546 with a total significance of 0.000 and a positive direction of the relationship, meaning that if adolescents have good social support, and their self-esteem will also be better.


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How to Cite

Pradinavika, R., & Baiduri , I. (2023). The Effect of Social Support on Adolescent Self-esteem. INSPIRATIF : Journal of Educational Psychology, 2(1), 1–5. Retrieved from